Meet the Team


Clinical Staff

Dr Michael Pickworth

GP Partner

Dr Mike Pickworth MBChB (Birmingham University 1993) MRCGP MA MSc PhD MB ChB DCH DOccMed; Certificate in Diabetes Care; Family Planning Certificate; Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine; COPD diploma. Mike is a Hospital Practitioner in Paediatrics at Worcestershire Royal Hospital and is also a previous medical student tutor. Practice lead for the PCN, Vaccinations and GP Rota.

Dr Simon De Vos

GP Partner

Dr Veni Sivakumar

GP Partner

Dr Angharad Cooper

GP Partner

Dr Angharad Cooper MBChB (University of Birmingham), MRCGP, DRCOG Angharad is a GP Trainer and undertakes Minor Surgery. Also Practice lead for Safeguarding and Drug and alcohol abuse. Past experience as a Prison GP

Undergraduate Tutor, Birmingham University.

Dr Anthony McNamara

GP Partner

Dr Anthony McNamara BSc, MBBS (St Georges, London), MRCGP Anthony is a medical student tutor. He joined the partnership in August 2022 having worked at the practice as a salaried GP since November 2021. He studied medicine as a graduate, having initially gained a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Manchester. He has an interest in diabetes and metabolic syndrome and has been published in the GP training InnovAiT journal. Practice Lead for research.

Dr Michael Caley

GP Partner

MBChB MSc MPH MRCP FFPH MRCGP DTM&H joined the practice in 2024 previously having been a GP partner in Warwickshire for the preceding eight years.  Mike has a particular interest in men’s health, joint injections, dermatology and minor skin surgery and is also a GP trainer.  He is the practice lead for medicines and prescribing.  Mike is also the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Coventry and Warwickshire having previously been Medical Director in a GP Federation.

Dr Tiffany Jones

GP Partner

Dr Tiffany Jones MBChB (Birmingham), BMedsci (International Health) Birmingham . PGCert MedEd , MRCGP . Tiffany is an Undergraduate tutor, University of Birmingham. Keen footballer and runner

Dr Therapon Chrisostomou

Salaried GP

Dr Theo Christostomou Bsc Biochemistry 2008 – UCL MBChB Hon 2012 – University of Birmingham, MRCGP 2017 GP trainer at the surgery and a Community Based Medicine tutor for Year 3 University of Birmingham medical students. Theo is working toward independently running a minor surgery clinic at the practice. Outside the practice, he works within the Worcester City Care Home Team, he also supervises Paramedics in attaining First Contact Practitioner qualification.
Part time Salaried GP

Dr Kirsty Dodwell

Salaried GP

Dr Kirsty Dodwell MBChB (Birmingham) MRCGP DFSRH LoC-SDI LoC-IUD. Undergraduate CBM Tutor, GP Trainer, SW Health care – extended access and remote paramedic support External interest – working towards obtaining pilots license!

Dr Jonathan Coleman

Salaried GP

Dr Jonathan Coleman MBChB (Manchester 2002) BSc, MRCGP, MRCS, DFSRH. Ex Corbett Medical Practice partner, now works Fridays as a Salaried GP, Jonathan now spends his time mainly in the secure environment, working in both high security and remand prisons. Previous GPwSI for the Worcestershire drug and alcohol service before moving to work mainly in the Health and Justice sector. Out of work Jonathan’s life revolves around ferrying four children and Pastoring a local church. Very avid, and very amateur cyclist
GP with special interest in Orthopaedics and substance misuse, Prison GP.

Dr Sarah Deval

Salaried GP

Dr Sarah Deval MBChB (Sheffield), Dip ObsGyn (Auckland), DFFPRHC, MRCGP. Sarah has been at Corbett MP for 20 years now, and likes particularly the continuity of care. Sarah has a particular interest in Women’s Health and Lifestyle Medicine
Undergraduate Tutor, Birmingham University.

Dr Sophie Morgan

Salaried GP

Dr Sophie Morgan MBChB (University of Birmingham 2010), DRCOG, MRCGP (2016) Currently retainer GP at 4 sessions
Undergraduate Tutor, Birmingham University.

Dr Eleanor Reynolds

Salaried GP

Dr Ellie Reynolds MBChB (Birmingham, 2006). MRCGP, DRCOG, post grad Dip ENT. Ellie’s previous roles have focused on quality improvement, target led work eg QOF and undergraduate teaching. Having recently moved from a busy inner city practice where she worked for over 10 years, she is currently working as a Salaried GP at Corbett Medical Practice.

Dr Rizwan Yakub

Salaried GP

Riz Yakub MBChB (University of Leicester 2004), MRCGP 2020 Riz has a background of Paediatrics for 10 years prior to then retraining to become a Salaried GP at Corbett Medical Practice. Medical Director for APLS, ALS & EPALS at Resuscitation Council
Previously specialised in Paediatrics and continues to work for children’s specialist services in addition to General Practice.

Katy Wilkins

Advanced Care Practitioner

MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner, FdSc Paramedic Science. Runs an urgent, on the day clinic alongside the duty doctor. Outside of the surgery, Katy is also a practitioner for the Cornwall Out of Hours GP service.


Katie Hunt

Practice Nurse & Practice Nurse Team Manager

Diploma in Diabetic and Respiratory Care

Clare Marshall

Practice Nurse

Diploma in Diabetic Care, Midwifery BSc

Charlotte Howles

Practice Nurse

Diploma in COPD

Lucy Coggins

Practice Nurse

Healthcare Assistants

Lorna Dunstan

Healthcare Assistant

Emma Reader

Healthcare Assistant

Karen Hassall

Healthcare Assistant

Tracey Williams

Healthcare Assistant

Practice Management

Toni Hartwell

Practice Manager

Mrs Toni Hartwell (Practice Manager) Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care Level 5 (2017) Strategic Health Care Leadership Level 7 (Current) 20 years’ experience in Primary Care – 10 of which have been spent in management.
The practice manager is responsible for the organisation of the practice and its personnel. She would be happy to receive any comments or suggestions that you may have concerning services offered by the practice.

Kirsty Okoroafor

Deputy Practice Manager

Kirsty is the Practice’s Deputy Practice Manager and also manages the Administration, Secretarial and Care Navigation Teams. Kirsty has over 30 years experience in General Practice, working over that time in the Reception, Medical Secretarial, IT and Management Teams.


Delia Harding

PA to our Practice Manager

Alison Cheetham

Practice Finances

Alison is the practice contact for practice finances.

Care Navigation Team

Our Care Navigation team, based within the Reception area of the Practice, helps to keep the practice running smoothly. They are there ensure patients are directed to the most appropriate care pathway, whether that is within the Practice or other allied services and have received specific and enhanced training in order to do this. The Team also undertake repeat prescriptions and deal with queries that you may have about your health care. They are trained to do a difficult and demanding job and are there to help you.


Our Practice Pharmacists work directly with the GPs to assist with the issue of repeat prescriptions and provide expert knowledge in medication. They can assist you with special requests or queries regarding your prescriptions. They conduct medication reviews to ensure that your current prescriptions are up to date and appropriate and may facilitate a change of your prescription to optimise the benefit of your medication. Our pharmacists also hold pre-bookable and telephone and face to face clinics.

Josceline Williams


Josceline is a very experienced pharmacist with extensive hospital and community pharmacy experience. She has actively been involved in lecturing and is a qualified prescriber. Her area of special clinical interest is Hypertension and she is very involved in managing and prescribing for patients with this condition.

Sara Richards


Amareeta Sandhu


Sally Jones

Pharmacy Technician