Care Navigators

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Care navigators are members of the Practice who have been trained to help you get the right help from the right place. They will work with you to ensure that you are signposted to the right support at the right time.

They can direct you to the best member of the practice healthcare team to deal with medical issues and help connect you with the most appropriate service for any other support you might need such as employment and financial advice.

Care navigators will not offer any clinical advice, all medical concerns will be referred on to the practice healthcare team.

Patients are more likely to see the right person the first time and may be seen sooner than they would have done if they were to see a GP. Care navigation allows patients to better understand their options and increases patient choice though a two way conversation with the Care Navigator.

A recent study by the NHS Alliance found that on average 27% of GP appointments were found to be potentially avoidable with many of these patients being better served by another member of the practice or wider healthcare team.

By linking patients with the most appropriate care, care navigators can help to reduce the number of avoidable GP appointments releasing GP appointments for those patients most in need. Linking patients with other members of the practice team also results in reduced patient waiting times and faster access to care for patients.

Care navigators understand the wide range of clinical skills available in their practice and what alternative health services are available in the local area as well as how to link patients with support for non-medical needs such as support for carers or financial advice.

They will ask you some basic questions about your current health problem or query and identify the most appropriate source of care.

Yes. All staff are trained in and uphold the same principles of confidentiality.